My name is Muhammad Usman. I have been associated with the field of education and books for 20 years. I started my life as a librarian in the unique library of Barsigarh and this passion later became the foundation of Dar-ul-Ilam Lahore Pakistan in 2006.
Dar-ul-Ilam Pakistan, It is the only publications organization which has been providing literature published in Pakistan and many universities of the world, including the United States, for seventeen years. Dar-ul-Ilam has provided literature to the well-known American universities, the names of some of them are Harvard University. The names of Stanford University, Princeton University, University of California, University of Pennsylvania are at the top. The rare and rare collection you are currently viewing on the website of Kalapan Digital Library of South Asia. This work was started by the late Professor Shahab Ahmed ( who used to teach as a teacher at Howard University) in 2009. The idea of ​​collecting these rare and rare books came to me when I saw some old rare and rare libraries that came to be sold to old book dealers over time and these books were often found on the footpaths of some streets. But it would be wasted and wasted. At that time, we traveled to every major city, village and village of Pakistan, covering the last seventeen years. From where we get these rare books, we keep collecting these rare books and now we have a collection of these rare books covering forty thousand manuscripts, ninety percent of which covers the rare collection of publishing houses before the partition of Barseighar.
Meanwhile, time passed and in 2016 we met Dr. Ryan Perkins, who is affiliated with Stafford University and is also the CEO of Kalapan Digital Library of South Asia. The team started the work under the guidance of Dr. Ryan Perkins. And after nearly nine years of hard work, the first collection of fifteen thousand rare books is now available. You, the audience, will decide that going through the scanning stage of hundreds of topics and thousands of these rare books is a very difficult and difficult path, which only people associated with this field know very well. The team is deeply grateful to Dr. Ryan Perkins, who has played his part with his leadership in making this difficult path easy with his full attention and dedication, thanks to which thousands of rare books covering hundreds of topics have been published in the world. It has been possible to access them. Which is available for study and research in the form of Kalapan Digital Library of South Asia.
Our entire team has put forward all these standards during the completion of the Digital Library of South Isha, which does not compromise the global quality of this rare collection. Together, let's take this collection to fifty thousand rare books so that the whole world can benefit from these anonymous scholarly books of Barsighar and South Isha.